‘Timeless’ Season 2 Finale Spoilers: Lives are on the Line

Wowie Wow WOW Clockblockers!

After screening the overwhelming emotional roller coaster ride courtesy of “The General” and “Chinatown,” I am shocked to see that NBC is already revealing major ‘Timeless’ spoilers.

If you want to stay spoiler-free, look away before it is too late and read this instead: ‘Timeless’ Season 2 Finale Advance Review: This Changes Everything

If you are dying for spoilery teasers, venture forth.

Although I’m surprised by the spoilers that NBC has released, I’m also a little relieved. I don’t have to be as guarded and sweat the small teasers I usually debate sharing with you.

So buckle-up and get ready to enter the SPOILER ZONE…

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Here’s what we deduced so far: ‘Timeless’ S2 Ep 9 promo photos: The Time Team Encounters Heroic Harriet Tubman and Bunker Drama

In this sneak peek from “The General,” we realize how incredibly impressive Harriet Tubman truly is. She’d be a phenomenal addition to the Time Team because she’s got the brains and guts to get the job done. Watch Tubman and the Team come to an agreement about their mission:

I really love this trip to the past. Tubman is one of my favorite historical figures and she is brilliantly portrayed by Christine Horn. The writers also take some creative liberties, which make her even more interesting. She bonds with Rufus in a special way. You are going to really enjoy their interaction.

There is also some tension within the team. Connor Mason and Agent Christopher share their discovery with Wyatt, Rufus, and Lucy.

Timeless - Season 2

When they throw shade at Jessica, he drops the pregnancy bomb on them. Your hearts are going to break for Lucy. However, they don’t really have a chance to dwell on it since they have to save history.

The team splits up in the past. They need to divide and conquer. I’ll let you guess who Lucy chooses as her partner…Mmmkay? Rufus and Wyatt have some hilarious moments, mostly at Wyatt’s expense. He dresses like Colonel Sanders…and sounds like him too.

The first hour is funny and intense, but things escalate to a whole new level as we enter the second half of the finale. We had our theories on what was happening in that ambiguous promo photo.

Now, we know exactly what is going on thanks to Entertainment Tonight‘s spoiler-rific sneak peek.


So it turns out our hunch about Jessica was right. She is Rittenhouse and you will find out how deeply she’s embedded with them. Jessica will also reveal if she really is pregnant (or not) and who the father is.

The Time Team is pissed to learn the news, but they are downright livid when Jessica kidnaps Jiya. Flynn lets his fists do the talking and Rufus exchanges some choice words with Wyatt.

We have never seen him this hurt and angry before:

Timeless - Season 2

There are some epic stand-offs, throwdowns, and confrontations in the finale. Emma and Lucy have it out like total badasses. The showdown between Rittenhouse and the Time Team reaches an epic climax. Lives are on the line. There will be blood…and death.

On the shipper front: The way Flynn looks at Lucy throughout the finale will melt your heart. Don’t worry Lyatt fans, there are some huge moments between Wyatt and Lucy. But Rufus and Jiya display true #RelationshipGoals. All of their scenes together will tug on your heartstrings. They show how they both are willing to do anything for one another. So sweet!

The finale nearly answers as many questions as it raises…nearly.

Put on your super-sleuth thinking caps and get to work analyzing these promo photos from the final hour:

That’s the best I can do without giving everything away, Clockblockers. I can’t wait to see your reaction to the finale! We are going to have a lot to process to afterwards.

Share your thoughts and theories below…

The ‘Timeless’ Season 2 Finale airs Sunday, May 13 from 9 – 11 p.m. on NBC. Watch live and tweet like crazy. Let’s #RenewTimeless!

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