‘Galavant’ S1 Eps 3 & 4 recap: Big balls and booty, booty, booty

Hugh Bonneville guest stars as the Pirate King! (Photo Credit: ABC/Disney via Disney Press Site)

The party continues as “Galavant” brings us more laughs and addictive songs in its second week with “Two Balls” and “Comedy Gold.” The first half hour introduces us to Sid’s adoptive family when he’s given a hero’s welcome home with a big bash. The gang’s adventures in Sidneyland also serve as a wake-up call for Galavant when he realizes how lucky he is to have a caring squire like Sid. Meanwhile, King Richard tries to forcefully cheer up the poor and abused people of Valencia with a super lame ball. In the second half, Hugh Bonneville is irresistibly funny as the Pirate King. While he and his men explain how they became land pirates, King Richard tries winning Madalena’s heart with humor.

On their way to Valencia, the gang stops by Sid’s hometown where Galavant is in for a rude awakening. In a fun twist, we learn that Sid was adopted by stereotypical Jewish parents and was raised in a loving and supportive Yiddish community who never let him feel like an outsider. When Sid wrote home to his family about his great adventures, they assumed he became a heroic knight. He never had the heart to tell them the truth and he didn’t want to disappoint them. Now the whole town worships him, they even call the place Sidneyland. Sid asks his pals to help keep up this charade. Isabella is excited to put her acting chops to use and happily plays the part of Sid’s doting fiancé. Galavant, with a nudge from Isabella, acts as Sid’s squire and realizes how lousy the job can really be.

The town celebrates Sidabella’s engagement with a ball and an adoring yiddish ode, “Oy! What a Knight,” describing their valiant Sid who “puts the sir in circumcision.” Hilarious! This number had Mel Brooks’ influence all over it. Sid’s loving and gullible parents are a charming hoot! Soon after the song, Sid’s parents send Gal off to help prepare for the big ball.

As Galavant toils away with other squires, he begins to see how people really feel about guys like him. “Jackass in a Can” opens Gal’s eyes to Sid’s world as he sits through excessive knight bashing. Knights are egotistical douches who take their squires for granted and treat them like crap. The insults indirectly hurled at Galavant in this romp are even funnier when contrasted with Sid’s complimentary homage. The role reversal makes for some great laughs, but more importantly, it shows that Gal realizes he is in fact a bit of a jackass. He begins to value Sid’s friendship, service and loyalty.

During the ball, Galavant pulls Sid aside and has an uncharacteristically candid chat. The typically self-centered knight tells Sid that he should be proud of everything he has accomplished and he shouldn’t be ashamed of telling of his parents the truth. What Galavant loves most about Sid is that he’s always been true to himself, even when it comes to his embarrassing figurine collection. Although he doesn’t mind continuing the charade, Galavant assures his buddy that he is proud of Sid and his parents would be too. Wow you guys, this is a big deal. One might say Galavant’s uplifting spiel even has heroic undertones. Sid comes clean about everything. His loving parents understand and are still very proud of their darling boy. Awww. Mazel Tov, Sid!

Back in Valencia, life has become super dreary. King Richard has destroyed every form of entertainment and livelihood for the people of Valencia. They used to perform theatre around the elder tree, but Richard turned it into toothpicks, one of which he’s currently chewing on. “Well played.” More like: Awkward! After going over their lack of options, the King decides to throw a ball, which is suggested by the literally ball-less Eunich. Cheap shots to the groin never get old, but the way King Dick kisses him on the head and thanks him is priceless. Unfortunately, the King killed all the entertainers during the invasion and then regretfully burns their only remaining crops. So he works with what he’s got left.

King Richard assembles The Executioners and remixes the death march by upping the tempo, which turns into a disturbing ditty called “Dance Until You Die.” And how about that corresponding dance? Yikes! As expected, the ball ends up being an epic failure. The people of Valencia are perplexed by King Richard’s irrational insistence that they forcefully enjoy his horrible party and begrudgingly play along. King Dick’s childish way of bullying these people into having fun is hilarious and uncomfortable. You can’t blame everyone for being on edge around him because he really is crazy. He’s like a tyrannical abusive people pleaser who pleases no one. But once he realizes how miserable everyone is, he turns the bash into a roast.

It is all fun and games until Eunich teases Richard for being totally oblivious to Madalena’s blatant affair with the Jester. That revelation ends the party and Eunich’s life. Poor King Richard is left heartbroken, embarrassed, and enraged. “Two Balls” was just the beginning of this joyous hour, which gets even better with Hugh Bonneville’s highly anticipated appearance in “Comedy Gold.”

Galavant’s humility is short lived and he quickly reverts back to being a Diva in lackluster armor. Really Gal, all that huff over raisins? After being on the road together for a while, Isabella, Gal and Sid have grown very close. Joshua Sasse, Karen David, and Luke Youngblood beautifully belt out “Togetherness,” a sweet and sassy tune that says it all. They like each other and enjoy each other’s company, but they also have super annoying qualities. We’ve heard oodles about Gal’s shortcomings, but sweet Isabella gets outed as a mouth-breather with a severe snoring problem. However, there is big highlight to this song: Galavant admits that Isabella is always on his mind. Awww! Galabella is blossoming. Yay!

Despite all the mushy feelings and coy glances that make poor Sid feel like a third wheel, Galavant’s ego overrules his affections. He completely disregards Isabella’s advice and leads them down a dangerous path ravaged by bandits. So by the song’s end Gal & Co. are captured by an endearing group of land pirates.

The pirates find the jewel of Valencia hidden among Isabella’s “girl supplies” in her purse (don’t even want to think about what that included in medieval times.) The Pirate King steps forth as an intimidating force, but we soon realize his eye patch is for show and his pirate posse isn’t quite up to par. Gal, Isabella and Sid tease the land pirates, so they defend themselves and explain their peculiar circumstance with a shanty that will be in your head for weeks to come. “Lords of the Sea” is ridiculously funny and infectiously catchy. Bonneville’s performance is delightful and you can’t get enough of him as the Pirate King. It is a shame “Downtown Abbey” doesn’t give him enough opportunities to showcase his comedic chops.

The fabulous song explains how their ship got stuck in the mountain side, so they settled for a life as sea adjacent land pirates who have come up with odd side-jobs in between thefts. Once they are done, the Pirate King wants a moment alone with Galavant. When a sword doesn’t cut it, he gnaws at the rope to set Gal free. Seriously, Bonneville is too much! His delivery is impeccable. The Pirate King recognizes Galavant from Lilith Fair which was held on the Isle of Lesbos (hehe!) He used be known as Peter the Pillager, but has fallen on rough times. He knows of Gal’s great heroic reputation and asks for his help. Gal can ditch the mouth breather and run with his crew. Galavant immediately defends Isabella and chooses her over the Pirate King. So sweet!

The guys return to camp and find that Isabella and Sid worked together to break free and gain an upper hand over the pirates. Once again, this trio realizes the importance of “togetherness.” The Pirate King admits his crew used to work as one, but they’ve gradually grown apart since the shipwreck. Even one of the pirates chimes in, “I miss us.” Aww it’s a piromance! Ultimately, the pirates and the gang decide to all work together to retrieve their ship. They all reprise “Togetherness” for a fun encore. The pirates get their ship back into shape and give Gal, Isabella and Sid a ride to Valencia.

Much like most of the episode, Isabella and Galavant’s love-hate relationship continues. In-between biting insults, the two express their genuine care for one another. It is extra adorable when they defend each other to the pirates. They can pick on each other, but no one else is allowed to. Too cute! So in a moment of sincerity and after a bit of bonding, Isabella once again tries telling Galavant the truth. Unfortunately, Gal steps away and doesn’t hear a word of her confession. Ugh! Pay attention, Gal! Way to ruin an awesome Galabella moment. Of course after that Isabella just lets it slide, again. In her defense, she really tried. They see land-ho and we know they’ll make it to Valencia. Now we wait to see how they plan on confronting the King.

Speaking of King Richard, ever since he encouraged the people of Valencia to roast him at the ball and found out about Madalena’s affair with the Jester, he’s become even more determined to win his wife’s heart. Instead of executing the Jester, Dickie enlists his help in learning how to be funny in order to woo his wife. The painfully clueless King thinks that’s why Madalena’s knockin’ boots with his underling. So the Jester tries his best to teach Richard all the comedy basics.

In a phenomenal performance, Timothy Omundson and Ben Presley work through various forms of comedy in the dazzling number, “Comedy Gold.” This song, dance and stand-up schtick is perfectly executed. We see King Richard desperately trying to be funny in every way possible, but he just isn’t getting it.

King Dick gives it his best shot in front of an audience, but fails miserably. His sole laughable bit is shoving a pie in Gareth’s face. Really, Richard’s stand-up is beyond pathetic. The only thing he succeeds in is gaining the Jester’s sympathy. The Jester feels guilty and stops “banging out jokes” with Madalena, much to her chagrin. Now power hungry Mad is in a loveless marriage and sexless affair. When Richard asks her about Steve and she remains clueless, we realize that the Queen never even bothered to learn her lover’s name. Geesh, how much lower can Madalena get? We’ll find out next week!

What did you all think of “Two Balls” and “Comedy Gold”? Did you love Hugh Bonneville as the Pirate King? Were you tickled by Sid’s family and hometown? What were your favorite musical numbers? Are you dying to hear the uncensored version of Gareth’s foul joke? How did you like the Chef’s dance moves?

Share your thoughts below and stay tuned for more scoop! Once again, let’s give a big round of applause to “Galavant’s” extraordinary writers, cast and crew!

“Galavant” airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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